Australia History

Countries Near Australia

Countries Near Australia

Location, location, location! In search, we know that users search for different things in different states and that the average cost per click advertisers pay differs by state too. With more and more advertisers running campaigns internationally, many have discovered that these trends exist across the borders as well! Which countries have the most expensive cost per click?…

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Australian history and Culture

Australian history and Culture

Identification. The name Australia was formally adopted and popularized in 1817 by the British governor of the colony of New South Wales. The title was suggested in 1814 and derives from the Latin terra australis incognita ( the unknown south land ) which had been used by mapmakers for centuries before European colonization. Since its days as a British colony Australia has…

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Who are the Aboriginal people?

Who are the Aboriginal people?

According to the United Nations, there are approximately 400 million Indigenous people worldwide, making up more than 5, distinct tribes . Together we are one of the largest minority groups in the world, spanning over 90 countries. While Indigenous Peoples total only about 6% of the world’s population, we represent 90% of the cultural diversity . INDIGENOUS PEOPLES HOLD 20%…

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Customs Culture definition

Customs Culture definition

Main Difference – Culture vs Custom The two terms culture and custom are interrelated concepts that are unique to different social groups. Culture is a complex whole including beliefs, knowledge, rituals, morals, customs, and other habits and capabilities of people. Custom is a traditional way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular place, time or society…

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Customs regulations Australia

Customs regulations Australia

Importing goods can help your business meet its goals and provide goods to customers that may not be available locally. Exporting can open a business to new markets, spread risk by reducing dependence on the local market and increase your competitiveness. Licensing and permits Whilst there is no general licence required for importing, Australian Customs will need to clear your…

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Immigration card Australian

Immigration card Australian

Many Italians migrated to North Queensland and worked on the sugar cane fields, 1956 (J25, 1956/4159) Passenger records document the movement of people into and out of Australia. These records are well known and well used sources of genealogical information. Before 1948, the captain or master of all passenger ships and aircrafts was required to provide Custom authorities with…

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Aboriginal Peoples

Aboriginal Peoples

Aboriginal peoples is a collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants. The Canadian constitution recognizes three groups of Aboriginal peoples: Indians (commonly referred to as First Nations), Métis and Inuit. These are three distinct peoples with unique histories, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs. More than 1.4 million…

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History of religion in Australia

History of religion in Australia

Last week, the High Court ruled against the current funding model of the federal government’s controversial school chaplaincy program. It s just the latest episode in a debate over education, religion and the state that goes back to the colonial era, writes Keri Phillips . There are two strands to the dispute over education, religion and funding. The first concerns the government…

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Indigenous, Aboriginal

Indigenous, Aboriginal

In a field of complex and contentious issues, understanding Aboriginal identity in Canada is one of the most challenging tasks. Perceptions of Aboriginal identity can be complex. Definitions may have legal implications that often operate in surprising ways. In this section, we go over the various ways in which Aboriginal peoples in Canada self-identify and are defined by the…

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Australian fashion history

Australian fashion history

In its current incarnation as the Rendezvous Grand, the hotel on Melbournes Flinders Street was once in fact, the Commercial Travellers Association Building. The Commercial Travellers Association Building was designed by architect Harry Tompkins in 1912 and completed in 1913. It is one of the finest and most distinct expressions of the Edwardian Baroque style in Melbourne…

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  • Indigenous country
  • Australian family traditions
  • Traditional Australian costume
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  • Indigenous peoples of Australia
  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
  • Things about Australia
  • Different cultures in Australia
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