Aboriginal Australians
Australian Aboriginal religious beliefs
Olga Gostin – Australia [The following article is from the Theosophical Encyclopedia , edited by Philip S. Harris, Vicente R. Hao Chin, Jr., and Richard W. Brooks (Quezon City, Philippines: Theosophical Publishing House, 2006), pp. 70-74.] While it is now taken as a matter of course that indigenous Australian spirituality has a place in any encyclopaedia of world religions…
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South Australian Aboriginal Tribes
This guide to sources relating to the Aboriginal history of South Australia was last updated by Library staff in 2016. It comprises selected material held by the State Library or available online. To find further material relevant to this topic, try searching with this subject heading in the State Library catalogue: Aboriginal Australians - South Australia - History Aborigin*…
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Australian Aboriginals
In topic 5 we discussed language loss, maintenance and revival. I found this seminar by Leanne Hinton that was given at ANU about reclaiming indigenous languages in not just Australia, but also in America and New Zealand. Leanne works in California with Indigenous Americans and their languages and I found her talk very interesting. This is an hour long, but if you have the…
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Facts about Australian Aborigines
For many thousands of years, the night sky has intrigued people from all over the world. Different societies around the world created their own interpretations, stories and meanings for the things they observed in the night sky. Australian Aboriginal culture has its own astronomy with its own stories and traditions which has survived for over 60, years, making it the oldest…
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Australian Aboriginal nations
The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) affirms the minimum standards for the survival, dignity, security and well-being of Indigenous peoples worldwide and enshrines Indigenous peoples’ right to be different. The Declaration was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2007. This was the culmination of more than 20 years…
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Australian Aboriginal gender roles
A comprehensive review of Aboriginal beliefs about gender and sexuality is beyond the scope of this brief. Rather, this brief provides information to address specifically one of the main arguments that has been used to support inaction regarding Indigenous family violence. That is, the belief that family violence is ‘normal’ in Indigenous communities and part of the traditional…
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Australian Aboriginal traditions
Like some other oral traditions of Australian Aborigines, those that relate to widespread and enduring coastal inundation appear to be several thousand years old. The best-documented traditions, some mythologised, are presented for six sites around the Australian coast (Bathurst and Melville Islands, Northern Territory; Rottnest, Carnac and Garden Islands, Western Australia;…
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Australian Aboriginal sacred sites
Sacred site means a site that is sacred to Aboriginals or is otherwise of significance according to Aboriginal tradition, and includes any land that, under a law of the Northern Territory, is declared to be sacred to Aboriginals or of significance according to Aboriginal tradition. - Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976, Part VII, s.69 Sacred Sites are related…
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Australian Aboriginal people today
A non-Indigenous example of inter-generational trauma Many Vietnam Veterans were traumatised by their experiences in the Vietnam War and found it difficult to heal from those wounds because their experience was not widely honoured until years later. For some of these men these wounds played out in the form of addiction, alcoholism, violence, suicide, or simply an inability…
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Aboriginal groups
Is an educational resource designed for use by young Canadians; high school educators and students; Aboriginal communities; and anyone interested in First Nations history. Its aim is to help readers understand the significant developments affecting First Nations communities from the pre-Contact era (before the arrival of Europeans) up to the present day. The first part of this…
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