Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Throughout Victoria, even in the most intensively developed regions, the landscape holds the imprint of thousands of generations of Aboriginal people. Find out more.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Training Program
Aboriginal Victoria (AV) has developed an exciting program of training for Aboriginal Victorians with a role or an interest in the State's unique and irreplaceable Aboriginal cultural heritage. Find out more.
Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 commenced operation on 28 May 2007 and provides for the protection and management of Victoria's Aboriginal heritage with processes linked to the Victorian planning system. Find out more.
Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016
The Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016 establishes new provisions and changes to the . Find out more.
Information for Landowners
Aboriginal people have lived in southern Australia, including what is now Victoria, for thousands of years. During that time, people left physical evidence of their activities which now survives as cultural heritage places and objects. Find out more.
Information for Planners and Developers
The endurance of Aboriginal society across Australia is of global significance and the cultural heritage places and objects associated with Aboriginal society are a significant part of the heritage of all Australians. Find out more.