Australian Aboriginal Culture

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Throughout Victoria, even in the most intensively developed regions, the landscape holds the imprint of thousands of generations of Aboriginal people. Find out more. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Training Program Aboriginal Victoria (AV) has developed an exciting program of training for Aboriginal Victorians…

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Aboriginal culture Definition

Aboriginal culture Definition

THE DREAMTIME According to Aboriginal belief, all life as it is today - Human, Animal, Bird and Fish is part of one vast unchanging network of relationships which can be traced to the great spirit ancestors of the Dreamtime. The Dreamtime continues as the Dreaming in the spiritual lives of aboriginal people today. The events of the ancient era of creation are enacted in ceremonies…

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Christmas information for Kids

Christmas information for Kids

WHAT IS CHRISTMAS ALL ABOUT? Christmas is the date set aside for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians celebrate it on December 25th all over the world. Jesus was not born on December 25th exactly but this date was chosen to coincide with the pagan Roman celebrations honoring Saturnus (Harvest God) and Mithras (Ancient God of Light). The day of this celebrations…

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Australian Aboriginal culture history

Australian Aboriginal culture history

Before white settlement, most of the continent was occupied. Although their cultural and language patterns differed, the 600 or more scattered tribes existed in comparative harmony. They each occupied and hunted a recognised tract of land where sacred sites were protected, and boundaries, designed in the Dreamtime, were crossed only by invitation. Tribal elders, because of…

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Aboriginal traditions and culture

Aboriginal traditions and culture

Aboriginal groups across what is now Canada each have their own distinct cultures, customs, and languages. Given our location, we have predominantly focused on cultures of the Pacific Northwest coast. This category is by no means a comprehensive look at cultures, but instead serves as a starting point for the reader who might be looking for specific topics relating to cultural…

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Traditional Aboriginal culture

Traditional Aboriginal culture

IN A DESICCATED WEST Australian landscape, where hunting has been a way of life for more than 5 years, a rifle pokes out the window of a four-wheel-drive. In a marriage of the old and the new, the rifle sight has been expertly attached with kangaroo sinew. CRACK! A shot rings out across the burnt-sienna sands and the chase is on. The 4WD accelerates, weaving wildly in and out…

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What are the countries in Australia?

What are the countries in Australia?

Australia is its own country, but it is also a continent at the same time. It comprises the entirety of the continent and there are no other countries within it. Originally, the term “Australasia” described many different countries in the area. These countries included Australia, French Polynesia, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Niue, Tonga and Kiribati. It also included many islands…

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Indigenous Cultures

Indigenous Cultures

The Subarctic culture area, mostly composed of swampy, piney forests (taiga) and waterlogged tundra, stretched across much of inland Alaska and Canada. Scholars have divided the region’s people into two language groups: the Athabaskan speakers at its western end, among them the Tsattine (Beaver), Gwich’in (or Kuchin) and the Deg Xinag (formerly—and pejoratively—known as the…

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Understanding Aboriginal culture

Understanding Aboriginal culture

“My goal for the Aboriginal community is that someday we can be seen simply as humans, with the same feelings and fears. That’s what we’re working towards here.” — Dr. Ernie Grant, Jirrbal Rainforest People elder and Aboriginal scholar. Elita, one of the Jirrbal youth involved in Café Chloe. The Aboriginal map of Australia laid out before us on the table at Café Chloe was not…

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Indigenous tribes of Australia

Indigenous tribes of Australia

Indonesian trepang fishermen visit northern Australia. 1606 Dutchman Willem Jansz and his ship Duyfken explore the western coast of Cape York Peninsula and were the first Europeans to have contact with Australian Aboriginal people. There were clashes between the two groups. The Spaniard Luis Vaez De Torres sailed through Torres Strait. 1623 Dutchman Jan Carstenz described several…

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  • Indigenous peoples of Australia
  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
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  • Cultural influences on Australia
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