Culture Of Australia

Different cultures in Australia
Do you ever wonder what makes you think the way you do or where your ideas come from? Many things influence who we are in life and what is important to us. We become who we are and learn how to think as we observe, experience and find out about life. People, places and families can be a big part of this. Culture is also a big part of this. What is Culture? Culture can be described…
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Australian culture facts for Kids
Australia is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse nations in the world resulting from a diverse Indigenous heritage, a British colonial past and extensive immigration from many different countries and cultures. Immigration has been a major contributor to Australia s population of around 21.5 million, with almost 5.5 million migrants settling in Australia over…
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Australian Language and culture
Improve your English while learning about Australian society and culture at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) — Sydney’s city university. Spend one or two sessions developing your critical reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in English in an exciting environment. During the course you’ll investigate Australian society and culture, workplaces, the media…
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Describe Australian culture
Australia is a unique country and the Australian culture has grown from its isolation, a convict past, the original Aboriginal inhabitants, the Anzac legend and a large immigration program after world war 2, which has made it one of the greatest multicultural nations in the world. We are essentially a Western culture with a democratic system of government mainly based on the…
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Australian cultural dance
Dance is a very dynamic part of Australian performing arts culture. It can provide a rich performance experience, merging the imagination and skill of choreographers, dancers, designers, composers and musicians. Rachelle Roberts, Red Hot & New (Natalie Decorte and Matthew Lawrence), 2004. Image courtesy of The Australian Ballet. Classical and contemporary dance performances…
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Australian cultural Icons
AUSTRALIANS LOVE THEIR ICONS . Whether it s the Big Banana in Coffs Harbour, a meat pie at the footy, Kylie Minogue in a disco ball or vegemite on toast, we are not ones to shy away from tradition. Music has also played a huge part in shaping the Australian culture, and here s a list the 10 most iconic Aussie songs. 1. True Blue - John Williamson You cannot get much more iconic…
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Australian Arts, culture
Australia s Art and culture is a fine reflection of both contemporary and traditional societies dating back to the era of the Aboriginal Islanders. The indigenous inhabitants of Australia known as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were a diverse group of people with varied cultural beliefs, practices and traditions and spoke many different languages. The foundation…
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Americanisation of Australian culture
AustLIIDatabasesAlternative Law Journal2[2] AltLawJl 56 Berger, Charles - Americanization and Australia edited by Philip Bell and Roger Bell [2] AltLawJl 56; (2) 25(3) Alternative Law Journal 150 Americanization and Australia edited by Philip Bell and Roger Bell; UNSW Press 1998; $29.95. The term Americanisation is often deployed as a sort of conversation stopper. It is…
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Workplace culture in Australia
International students are advised to check with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on the rules regarding working in Australia, as they may change at any time. As a student, there are restrictions on the number of hours you can work even when you have been granted permission to work. You must obtain a Tax File Number (TFN) to be able to work in Australia. This can…
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Cultures of Australia
Although Australia is a predominantly Christian country, with about 64% of all Australians identifying as Christian, there is no official state religion. People in Australia are free to practice any religion they choose, as long as they are not breaking the law. All but three of the 22 major religions of the world are practiced in Australia, demonstrating its cultural diversity…
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