Cultural events in Australia
During the 12 months before interview in 2013-14, 15.9 million or 86% of the Australian population aged 15 years and over attended at least one of the cultural venues or events asked about in the survey. The attendance rate in 2009-10 was also 86%. The highest attendance rates were at cinemas (66%), botanic gardens (37%), libraries (34%) and zoological parks and aquariums (34%). The lowest overall attendance rates were at Archives (3.4%).
Residents in the Australian Capital Territory recorded the highest overall attendance rates (94%), as well as the highest attendance rates at Cinemas (80%), Art galleries (53%) and Archives (8.3%).
Attendance rates generally decreased for older age groups, with a 95% attendance rate for people aged 15-17 years compared with 66% for people aged 75 years and over. While going to the cinema was a popular activity across all age groups it was more popular with 15-17 year olds (91%) than with those aged 75 years and over (37%). Attending classical music concerts was one event where a significantly greater proportion of older people attended: 14% of people aged 65 to 74 years and 10% of people aged 75 years, compared with 6% of 15-17 year olds.