Festivals Australia

Chinese festivals in Australia

Chinese festivals in Australia

The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, so it is also known as the Double Ninth Festival. The festival is based on the theory of Yin and Yang, the two opposing principles in nature. Yin is the feminine and negative principle, while Yang is masculine and positive. The ancients believed that all natural phenomena could be…

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Festivals in Australia 2015

Festivals in Australia 2015

US video artist Bill Viola, a big name in the 2015 Adelaide line-up. Photograph: PR From a chamber opera about Marilyn Monroe to a one-woman show that embodies the voice of the river in Finnegans Wake, the line-up for the 2015 Adelaide festival shows a taste for the experimental. Competing with Viola for the limelight is Blinc, an enormous light-show cum digital art showcase…

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Typical Australian things

Typical Australian things

Buying Australian gifts for an American friend and her baby I ve seen similar questions asked but couldn t seem to locate them. I m travelling to the US in the next few months to visit a lifelong pal who s recently had a baby (her daughter will be 7 months old when I arrive in November). Over the 11 years we ve known each other the various differences between Australia and…

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Best festivals in Australia

Best festivals in Australia

The beauty of music fests in the Southern hemisphere is that they start heating up as the Northern Hemisphere begins to cool down. That means truly dedicated festies and culturally curious travelers alike can extend their festival adventures into a year-round endeavor. We ve already named the music festivals blowing up in Asia – several of which occur in the Southern Hemisphere…

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Typical Aussie

Typical Aussie

Here are some of the common misconceptions people have about Australians and ‘Down Under’: We all talk in slang that you won’t understand G’day mate, shrimp on the barby, fair dinkum, hard yakka, Sheila… I am Australian and I have never used any of these typical Aussie slang words, except for in jest. A few words that you might come across: Cooee: it’s a high-pitched call to…

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Festivals, Celebrations

Festivals, Celebrations

In the Indian culture, there was a time when there used to be a festival every day of the year – 365 festivals in a year – because a festival is a tool to bring life to a state of exuberance and enthusiasm. That was the significance and importance of festivals. The whole culture was in a state of celebration. If today was ploughing day, it was a kind of celebration. Tomorrow…

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Aboriginal religious experience

Aboriginal religious experience

Aboriginal spirituality is defined as at the core of Aboriginal being, their very identity. It gives meaning to all aspects of life including relationships with one another and the environment. All objects are living and share the same soul and spirit as Aboriginals. There is a kinship with the environment. Aboriginal spirituality can be expressed visually, musically and ceremonially…

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Upcoming Music Festival Australia

Upcoming Music Festival Australia

In the wake of last year’s toll on the Australian festival-going community, with seven deaths experienced from overdosing in New South Wales alone, calls for drastic reform have come from all corners of the spectrum. Despite the government’s disapproval of the idea, headed by NSW Premier Mike Baird , a team of doctors has officially announced that it will be bringing formal…

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Where to go for Christmas dinner?

Where to go for Christmas dinner?

We are no longer accepting Christmas Dinner To Go Orders. MoCo’s Founding Farmers wishes you all a very happy and safe holiday! Due to the amazing success of our Moco’s Founding Farmers Thanksgiving To Go dinner, we decided to grant guests’ wishes this Christmas and follow suit. Introducing the MoCo’s Founding Farmers Christmas Dinner To Go service. Behold the gifts of the…

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What is the Australian identity?

What is the Australian identity?

OFFICIAL IDENTITY DISCS During the First World War there were three types of identity discs issued to those serving in the Australian Imperial Force [AIF]. Those serving in the Royal Australian Navy were not issued with identity discs (excluding members of the Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train, who do appear to have been issued with official identity discs), although some…

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Cultural influences on Australia
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Chinese festivals in Australia
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The Chongyang Festival…
Festivals in Australia 2015
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US video artist Bill Viola…
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  • Cultural influences on Australia
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