Detroit Population by Race

Population Demographics of Australia

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The 2011 population for New South Wales is 6, 917, 656, which is a +5.6% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for New South Wales

The 2011 population for Victoria is 5, 354, 040, which is an +8.5% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Victoria

The 2011 population for Queensland is 4, 332, 737, which is an +11% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Queensland

The 2011 population for Western Australia is 2, 239, 171, which is a +14.3% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Western Australia

The 2011 population for South Australia is 1, 596, 570, which is a +5.4% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for South Australia

The 2011 population for Tasmania is 495, 351, which is a +4% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Tasmania

The 2011 population for Australian Capital Territory is 357, 218, which is a +10.2% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Australian Capital Territory

The 2011 population for Northern Territory is 211, 943, which is a +9.9% increase from 2006. view QuickStats for Northern Territory

The 2011 population for Sydney is 4, 391, 673, which is a +6.6%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Sydney

The 2011 population for Melbourne is 3, 999, 980, which is a +9.7%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Melbourne

The 2011 population for Brisbane is 2, 065, 998, which is an +11.5%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Brisbane

The 2011 population for Perth is 1, 728, 865, which is a +14.3%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Perth

The 2011 population for Adelaide is 1, 225, 235, which is a +5.9%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Adelaide

The 2011 population for Canberra is 356, 586, which is a +10.3%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Canberra

The 2011 population for Hobart is 211, 654, which is a +5%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats for Hobart

The 2011 population for Darwin is 120, 586, which is a +13.8%†increase from 2006. Where required, † 2006 areas have been concorded to 2011 boundaries view QuickStats

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